Giving Back
Eone is devoted to increasing access to education, creativity, and independence by giving back to organizations who work directly with blind individuals.

Kilimanjaro Blind Trust
The Kilimanjaro Blind Trust aims to increase access to education for blind children in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, and Ethiopia. KBT distributes and maintains braillers across East Africa, providing training and resources to help children with vision impairments get the education they need for employment, independence, and social mobility.
We’ve teamed up with the Kilimanjaro Blind Trust to create a special edition Bradley timepiece that has a direct social impact. Each purchase of the Bradley x KBT Timepiece helps blind children in East Africa read, write, and learn, by either repairing a brailler device or providing a year’s worth of braille paper.
Vision Care
Vision Care is an international relief organization dedicated to the prevention of blindness through global projects and initiatives. Vision Care provides patients with access to regular treatment, including eye camps, glass sharing, vision training, and support for ophthalmic hospitals in developing countries. Through special initiatives, Eone has allowed Vision Care to provide important ophthalmic surgeries to their program participants.
The Seeing Eye
The Seeing Eye works to enhance the independence, dignity, and self-confidence of blind people by providing expert breeding, care, and training for Seeing Eye dogs. Along with instruction for blind individuals in the proper use, handling, and care of the dogs, the Seeing Eye has been recognized for excellence as the top school for guide dogs. Eone has sponsored the training of guide dogs through the Seeing Eye.