News: World Bee Day - The Bradley Mesh Gold creates a buzz
Caring for our planet and preserving the ecosystems that keeps the world in balance is important to us at Eone.
Bees are the undisputed champions of the pollination world. And their secret weapon? Sight.
Scientists consider bees to be a keystone species. They are so important to an ecosystem that it will collapse without them. At least 90 commercially grown crops depend on bee pollination for survival. How important is pollination by bees? Ask an almond grower. Without bees, there would be no almonds, apples, blueberries, cherries, avocados, cucumbers, onions, grapefruit, oranges and pumpkins would also disappear.
Despite all they do, our tiny, winged friends can be hugely underestimated, so we wanted to do something special for Bee Day.
This artwork of the Bradley Mesh Gold was created for us by Oliver Perretta, an industrial artist and awesome dude.
Image Description: A visual render of the Bradley Mesh Gold, the face is patterned with a honeycomb design and the minute ball bearing is represented by a honeybee; curled into a ball. The timepiece is floating, surrounded by liquid honey, spinning and spraying outwards from the hour ball bearing track. The backdrop is made up of wooden block panels, in the shape of honeycombs.
I have never seen such an intresting watch in my life, it somehow capures the beauty that any other watch brand has, while being far more simple. First you had my intrest with by far the most unique watch I have ever seen, but now you have my attention with a simple yet masterful idea of having th bearings having the pattern of a bee, and the watch resembling the honey/hive. I would sincerely enjoy this watch more than any accessory I own.